Sunday, 26 August 2012

How ?

How do you say no to your son who is a drug addict? How do you say no to your brother who's son is a drug addict? 
He tried to ring me all say his brother want to borrow 11K ..will return it next Tuesday when he collects money from his hụi ..????

lol..I don't believe told him as such...if it is only next Tuesday can't he wait? today is already Wednesday? ..something doesn't add up...well he is after all your brother..but might have to kiss that 11K good bye..

he rang me because we have an agreement.. when it comes to family..we look after our own...but when it involves money as a courtesy we let the other person know..don't need to ask the other person for permission to give or lend money..

lol..I am still in shock..told him what I thought..what happens next? 20K next month? 50K? what would happen if he says no? what happens? no hope since he went to rehab for 2 days and left..still a drug addict needing a fix..

I am sick of us being a bank for them..we were always the bank...some months 1K..others 3K=4K...can't believe this time 11K...

anyhow..have said my bit..the decision is up to is his brother..not mine..

remembered one time my sister wanted to borrow money..I told her no..she got mad at me..saying how come we lend money to others but not her....but then it was because we didn't have loan..

there's money there to pay for the suppliers..the bills should be coming due before 25th...if there is not enough will have to redraw on our

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